No cost to setup & view agents profiles! No extra cost to use Hospo Link.
In order to be classified as an independent contractor for tax purposes you must have an ABN. See your tax agent for details.
Hospo Link is completely free to use for businesses and workers!
Hospo Link uses in app advertisements and also offers a premium version for no ads and added features, coming soon!
Hospo Link is a platform for connection, connecting business with agents. Use Hospo Link to build a rated hospitality network. Business clients who initially engage you as a may wish to offer you a role as an employee.
Wage theft is a serious offence and may expose you to a criminal penalty of up to ten years’ imprisonment.
Any employer using Hospo Link is responsible for meeting the minimum standards of employment, which include paying appropriate wages, providing other employee entitlements, contributing to superannuation, withholding tax and complying with any other legal obligations.
Hospo Link has no control over and is not responsible for any failure by an employer to meet their minimum obligations to employees.
You can use the Hospo Link for what you need-
Weekend work
Night Work
You are in control.
Only Businesses can view Workers profiles.
You can also communicate with the business directly and confidentially through the app once a booking is made.
Note: Workers can not see the Businesses Profiles.
Contractors & Workers have different tax obligations, we recommend that you contact your Tax Agent or Accountant to seek their advice in this area.
Please contact us!
Jobs find workers.
Keeping your profile & availability updated is the key…
Hourly rate
Workers are in Control of their availability calendar and per hour rate.
A business will find you based your-
Hourly rat
Keeping your profile & availability updated is the key.
Hospo Link is a platform for connection for Businesses and Hospitality Workers.
When you set up your profile, You can use this Platform to source Casual, Part-Time or Full-Time work.